Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So much and a moment

As I start this blog I shared in the first post how I choose the name for the blog. Now the name did come from the extra 4 miles I travel home, but it also stands for the journey that I am about to embark on. For those that know me, know that I need to lose weight. It is no secret. Lets me real, how can you not know. So I have shared with those close to me that I have, from an early age, low self esteem. Elementary school I had boyfriends, middle school- one or two, high school one or two until I meet my husband the summer before my senior year. I am not complaining at all. It was what it was. However, hearing that you are beautiful, pretty, all those words girls want to hear is not words I heard. I tell you this not because I want the awe, poor thing, but because I want to share a moment that for the past 20+ yrs have stuck with me. One afternoon, when I was in high school (not sure what grade, but would say 10-12), a young man stopped by my house. He had been a friend of mine for awhile. Just a friend that I spoke too, but did not spend a lot of time with. I remember thinking it was odd for him to be stopping by my house. We sat outside and talked for awhile. I have no idea what we talked about, but I do remember the fact he told me I looked pretty or beautiful. It still to this day makes me feel good inside. One young man, one positive comment, one moment that has lived in my heart for 20+ yrs. I pray that I can teach my son to pour positive, encouraging words into his friends. He may never know what a simple comment will do for a girl. To this young man, I do hope that I am not dreaming this happened, THANK YOU! I do hope you know who you are! No it was not my husband that said this to me, and yes, he does tell me that I am beautiful.


  1. I would have never guessed that you had a self confidence issue through all the years I knew you. Funny that we were in the same boat but I thought you had it all together and often found myself jealous of you. I'm glad this person changed your life. I wish I'd had that happen to me as well. <3 For the record, you are beautiful...inside and out.

  2. Thank you for having more confidence in me then I had in myself! It's it funny how we were probably all struggling but we all hid it so well. I hope my kids realize early that we all have things that we deal with daily.
