Monday, November 4, 2013

Fighting through the fog

Have you ever been at a place where there is so much going on in your head and you can not even form a thought? That is where I am right now. Some thoughts- The Hurst family, Susan, painting, decorating, Christmas, store, grocery list, laundry, ironing,Scott, Kim,school, ballet, can food drive, making a banner, cutting out feathers and dinner. That is what is going on right now in my head along with the following: The Lord has been showing me things in the simplest of times. I have heard that one person can make a big difference. We hear it, but do we ever truly believe it? Then as I was in church and the speaker was speaking of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea I realized something. That one man did make a difference. It was not that one man made a difference, but one man obeying made the difference. What if Moses had not raised his arms? What if he raised his arms to part the sea, but decided he would not raise them once they got across? He finished what was asked of him in that moment. Now I am left to wonder how many times could I have had made a difference if I had just obeyed all the way through the processes. I am frustrated. Why do we give up so easily? Why do we not fight? Is it because we are so overwhelmed with all the thoughts going on in our heads that we just can not take on the fight. Is it easier to give up then to fight for what is right? What is the Lord calling us to do? Can we even hear with all the other things going through our heads? How do we clear what is there to get to the the truth that the Lord wants us to see? Which leads me to the next thing that I am starting to see. That for many of us it is easier to quit then to fight. When I first started this blog, I was ready to go and pray for my 4 extra miles. I did really well. Even when my family went on vacation I made sure to set that time aside to pray. I made sure to fight whatever was trying to distract me from my time praying for those that I know. Now, I tell myself as I hit that stretch of road that I will pray today. And then it happens, I start to pray and my mind wonders. Anything and everything that could possible invade that time does. Did I give up? Why have I not fought to keep that time as to what I believe the Lord wanted it to be? Am I willing to fight for that time back or do I just miss that blessing for me and others because it is easier to let me mind wonder? Why do we give up so easily instead of fighting for what we know the Lord is asking? Reality check- watching a mom plan her husbands memorial service in the sanctuary of the church as her 3 year old son sits in preschool right down the hall. My heart breaks for them. I know the Lord has great plans for this family. Her blog is amazing. She knows the Lord and knows that He has a plan for her life. Would I be that strong? Would I be praising God the way this precious women has?

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